Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In Case You Missed it

Here is what happened today at MOPS:

We started off with a fun ice-breaker game.  Everyone randomly paired up with another mom and got to know each other.  Then, after a few minutes, our Creativity Director asked some questions about the mom you just talked to.  The moms with the most right answers got little prizes for being plunging into a new friendship.

Then, it was time for the devotion by our Coordinator shared a devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries.  At the end, it challenges us to read one chapter of Proverbs a day for a month.  Are you in for the challenge?

Next was the Mom of the Day drawing and announcements.  The big announcements are:
  • Craft Fair - Saturday, November 3
    • Your discussion group is signed up either to help set up on Friday from 9-12 (childcare provided) or clean up Saturday from 3-5.
    • If possible, please bring some baked goods nicely packaged for selling at the fair.
    • Also, each discussion group is making a basket to raffle off.  Don't forget to bring your item to the next meeting so we can get them ready for the Craft Fair!
  • Snack for MOPPETS - If you haven't brought one already, please bring one to the next meeting.  We are looking for things like animal cookies, pretzels, and crackers/goldfish.
  • Pumpkin Patch Trip - Tuesday, October 23rd
    • Please arrive promptly at 9am, as another group is signed up after us.
    • Please email us if you didn't sign up and plan on going.
After all fo the announcements, it was time for FOOD!  And of course, there was time for talking and chatting while eating.

Then we had a speaker today on teaching our kids about God now in order to prevent them from abandoning the faith when they get older.  Some of the key points were:
  • Be grounded in the Bible and God as parents.
  • Daily teach your child (or children) about God.
  • Make sure God is always the focus - not just the stories in the Bible.
  • Allow your children to see you study the Bible, pray, and focus on God.
After the speaker, we broke into small groups to discuss what we had learned from the speaker as well as share prayer requests before picking up the kids and heading home.

Next meeting is Tuesday, October 15.  Hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Crafters Needed!

Our annual Holly Days Craft Fair is coming up November 3rd.  And we are still looking for a few more crafters!  If you are a crafter or know someone who is, you can download the registration information HERE.  Booth space runs between $45 and $65 depending on location and number of crafters per booth. 

This is our big fundraiser of the year, which helps offset the costs of childcare.  Without a fundraiser like this, we would have to charge more per meeting.  So we appreciate the help in getting the word out!

If you have questions about the craft fair, you can email the fundraising coordinator at hollydayscraftfair_at_yahoo.com.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Registration 2012-2013

It's that time again...time to register for MOPS for the 2012-2013 year!
This year we will be making things simple for everyone. Click HERE to find the link to the packet of documents we need for registration. Please print it, complete all the forms, and bring them with you to our first meeting (September 18 at 9am). We also have a short form HERE that we would love to have you fill out before our first meeting. It will help our steering team plan for the year, giving us an idea of how many moms and MOPPETS we will have attending.

The MOPPETS form this year has room for you to include information for up to four children. Therefore, unless you have more than 4 kids attending MOPS this year, you will only have to fill out one form.

In case you are new to our group, we meet at Grace Church - 6901 San Antonio NE ABQ, NM 87109.
Make checks payable to MOPS at Grace Church
Have Questions? E-mail us at mopsatgraceabq@yahoo.com or ask on our Facebook page

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Almost Time for Another Year of MOPs!

Summer is almost over, so it is time to start thinking about a new year of MOPs.  This year, our MOPs group will include MOMSnext - a group for moms with school-aged kids.  We will be welcoming all moms - those with preschoolers, kids in school, and those who homeschool.

Here is the flyer our MOMsnext group:

We have other fun things planned too - trips to places like the State Fair and a pumpkin farm, a family bar-b-q, and more fun meetings!

Registration will begin August 1.  So, keep your eyes out for the registration information here and on our Facebook page.  Sign up early to make sure we have room for your kids!