Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving recipes

Here are two links for Thanksgiving recipes from our MOPS moms. Hope you like them!

Click on the highlighted words and it will take you to blog where the recipes are posted.

Want an awesome turkey recipe? I have made this recipe of Martha Stewart's for 7 years and it's worth the extra work. Click HERE to take you to the recipe. Seriously, it's the best turkey I have eve tasted!

I pray our MOPS moms and their families have safe travels, if they are traveling. Lord, I pray we all have a wonderful week where we are reminded of your blessings. Amen.

See everyone next week.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving recipes.

Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving recipe
that you use, year after year?
Grandma's green bean casserole?
Your favorite turkey recipe?
Maybe your Aunt's sweet potatoe pie?

Wouldn't it be fun to post them here and share within our MOPS group?
I'll share the recipes, here on our blog throughout the month of November.

Here are two ways to participate.
1. Email me your recipe and I will post it here on our blog. Feel free to add pictures that go with the recipe or a story behind it. Like a picture of the creator or pictures of you making your own recipe. (my email address is

2. Post it to your own blog and then I will link back to it here.
Just email me your blog address when you have posted your recipe.

This is going to be fun! I can't wait to make some of your recipes!

The Craft Fair!

The 14th Annual Holly Days craft fair was this weekend and it was a huge success! A huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped in one way or the other. Thank you for donating items for the raffle baskets. Thank you for baking for the bake sale. Thank you for inviting people to come to the craft fair. Thank you to those who signed up to work in the raffle booth. Thank you for coming and shopping. Thank you Heidi for donating your time to raise money for MOPS. That girl was busy all day! A GIANT thank you to Gina and Libby for all the time away from your family that you spent on organizing this. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

(Gina's daughter, Hannah, made these awesome duct tape flowers. They were a hit!)

Hi Stephanie! I bet you didn't know I was taking your picture.

This was one of the booths I was standing by all day. We had some awesome crafters!

Ruth Ann is a baby wearing Mama who worked in the booth for us!

These gals started the craft fair 14 years ago! What an awesome legacy you left us. I bet you didn't think we would still be hosting this same event 14 years later. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MOPS info

First off, I just wanted to plug the pictures one more time. We need at least 11 more scheduled photo appointments. Is there anyone who has been meaning to call to schedule and hasn't? Call me now at 928-310-8867. Or email me at If you just ask one person you know to buy a $10 ticket, we can have all of our time slots filled. Is there a neighbor who you could ask, or someone at your AWANA's. I know it's hard to sell things sometimes, but this is such an amazing opportunity for awesome pictures of your kids at a very affordable price. We need to have these slots filled in the next few days!!!

Anybody else leave in such a rush for MOPS, that your house looks like this when you get home? Ladies there are pieces of bread on my floor. Like half eaten bread. Gross! But totally worth the wonderful morning I had at MOPS today. Thank you all for coming.
Thank you Pastor Potter for speaking on "Stepping Out of our Comfort Zones" today. Sometimes taking small children to Target can be the biggest way-out-of-our-comfort-zone experiences of our life. Amen?