Thursday, February 7, 2013

In Cased you Missed It (2/5 Meeting)

Yesterday we had a great first meeting of 2013!  Our first scheduled meeting got cancelled due to the winter weather, unfortunately, so it had been about two months since we had met.  Here is a quick rundown of everything that happened:

  1. Announcements
    • The play date for this month with be Gravity Park.
    • Moms' Night Out this month will be a craft night.
    • The Shepherding a Child's Heart Bible study started last week.  But it isn't too late to sign up if you are interested!  It is free (other than the book), and childcare is provided.
    • Mom of the Day gift included a cake mix, cake tester, and spreading spatula that went to one lucky mom in attendance.
    • Our winter service project is the CareNet Baby Bottle Campaign.  Fill the baby bottles with change, and bring back to our second meeting in March!
    • We could still use some volunteers for childcare at our steering team meetings.  Remember you can bring your own kids, and you get two meetings free for helping!
    • We will need at least four new moms for the steering team next year!  If you are interested, talk with any of the current steering team members.
  2. Devotion - How Do I Know When I Am Called?
    • Verse: Ephesians 2:10
      For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
    • Five Things to Do to Determine if You Are Called:
      • HUMBLE your heart before the Lord.
      • EXAMINE your life experiences and current circumstances.
      • APPLY your gifts, talents, and abilities.
      • READ, study, and pray God's Word.
      • TRUST in God's perfect timing and in His answers.
  3. Food!  There was a ton of tasty food - especially all of the sweets :)
  4. Craft!  We made decorative tiles using scrapbook paper and photographs.
  5. Small Group Time.
Our next meeting is February 19th!  We hope to see you there.