Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving recipes

Here are two links for Thanksgiving recipes from our MOPS moms. Hope you like them!

Click on the highlighted words and it will take you to blog where the recipes are posted.

Want an awesome turkey recipe? I have made this recipe of Martha Stewart's for 7 years and it's worth the extra work. Click HERE to take you to the recipe. Seriously, it's the best turkey I have eve tasted!

I pray our MOPS moms and their families have safe travels, if they are traveling. Lord, I pray we all have a wonderful week where we are reminded of your blessings. Amen.

See everyone next week.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving recipes.

Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving recipe
that you use, year after year?
Grandma's green bean casserole?
Your favorite turkey recipe?
Maybe your Aunt's sweet potatoe pie?

Wouldn't it be fun to post them here and share within our MOPS group?
I'll share the recipes, here on our blog throughout the month of November.

Here are two ways to participate.
1. Email me your recipe and I will post it here on our blog. Feel free to add pictures that go with the recipe or a story behind it. Like a picture of the creator or pictures of you making your own recipe. (my email address is

2. Post it to your own blog and then I will link back to it here.
Just email me your blog address when you have posted your recipe.

This is going to be fun! I can't wait to make some of your recipes!

The Craft Fair!

The 14th Annual Holly Days craft fair was this weekend and it was a huge success! A huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped in one way or the other. Thank you for donating items for the raffle baskets. Thank you for baking for the bake sale. Thank you for inviting people to come to the craft fair. Thank you to those who signed up to work in the raffle booth. Thank you for coming and shopping. Thank you Heidi for donating your time to raise money for MOPS. That girl was busy all day! A GIANT thank you to Gina and Libby for all the time away from your family that you spent on organizing this. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

(Gina's daughter, Hannah, made these awesome duct tape flowers. They were a hit!)

Hi Stephanie! I bet you didn't know I was taking your picture.

This was one of the booths I was standing by all day. We had some awesome crafters!

Ruth Ann is a baby wearing Mama who worked in the booth for us!

These gals started the craft fair 14 years ago! What an awesome legacy you left us. I bet you didn't think we would still be hosting this same event 14 years later. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MOPS info

First off, I just wanted to plug the pictures one more time. We need at least 11 more scheduled photo appointments. Is there anyone who has been meaning to call to schedule and hasn't? Call me now at 928-310-8867. Or email me at If you just ask one person you know to buy a $10 ticket, we can have all of our time slots filled. Is there a neighbor who you could ask, or someone at your AWANA's. I know it's hard to sell things sometimes, but this is such an amazing opportunity for awesome pictures of your kids at a very affordable price. We need to have these slots filled in the next few days!!!

Anybody else leave in such a rush for MOPS, that your house looks like this when you get home? Ladies there are pieces of bread on my floor. Like half eaten bread. Gross! But totally worth the wonderful morning I had at MOPS today. Thank you all for coming.
Thank you Pastor Potter for speaking on "Stepping Out of our Comfort Zones" today. Sometimes taking small children to Target can be the biggest way-out-of-our-comfort-zone experiences of our life. Amen?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scriptures from Libby and Megan's Yummy Pumpkin recipe!

I don't know about you ladies, but Libby's talk was just what I needed this week. Thank you Libby for sharing with us. I asked Libby to email me the scriptures that coincided with her talk on Tuesday. Have you done what she challenged us to do? To research a mom of the bible? Here are some scriptures to get you started.

Eve-Genesis 2-4

Hannah- 1 Samuel 1-2

Mary- Her story is told throughout the 4 gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Luke 2 is the most well know account.

Jochobed- Exodus 2:1-10

Sarah- Genesis 11-25

Pumpkin Pie Cake Recipe

All the food this week was awesome! I know it adds extra stress in the morning to bring food, but it's one of my favorite part of MOPS. So thank you for all your hard work bringing food. I asked Megan if she would share her recipe for the Pumpkin Cake she brought on Tuesday. Here it is:

Pumpkin Pie Cake : )

1 large can pumpkin pie mix (already has the spices added)
1 5 oz.can of evaporated milk
2 large eggs
1 box of yellow cake mix
1 stick of real butter
pecans or walnuts optional
(If you use just plain pumpkin in a can there are some spices and different instructions on the can)

Follow the instructions on the can of pumpkin mix, adding the eggs and evap. milk as if making a pumpkin pie. Spread the mixture into the bottom of a 13x9 in. baking dish. Crumble the dry cake mix powder on top of the pumpkin mixture. Smooth. Sprinkle pecans or walnuts on top if desired. Dot the desert with 1 whole stick of butter (cubed) and bake at 350 until browned and crusty on top. Hope you all enjoy! : ) Megan

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Samplings from Heidi for Fairytale Memories

Here's some samplings of the Christmas cards you can order from Heidi!

Fairytale Memories by Heidi Ann Photography

I would like to introduce you to Heidi Belville. Many of you returning members know and love Heidi already, but some of our new moms may not. Heidi was one of the first people to welcome me to MOPS when I first showed up. She showed me where to drop of my kids, where to go, and was so very real and friendly. What I love most about Heidi Belville, is that she is always up for new adventures, crazy fun, normal, cool and a real mom all at the same time. She is also a very talented photographer. Heidi is a wife and mother to two adorable children.

For four years now, Heidi has been offering her photography skills as a fundraiser to benefit MOPS. Here is a link to her website Go visit her site, check out her awesome work, and give her some love!

Here's the skinny on the Fundraiser:
1. Heidi will be taking photos from 9-3 on November 7th at our Holly Days Craft Fair.
2. Tickets are $10. That is the ticket purchasers sitting fee and they also receive one 8x10. (That whole ten dollars in turn goes directly to MOPS!)
3. Heidi then sends and email and ticket purchasers have a chance to view their photos and order more prints. Heidi also offers Christmas cards and they will be delivered in time for Christmas.
4. For those of you that had pictures taken last year, Heidi would like you to know that she has a new background this year!

Here's what we need you to do:

1. Sell tickets for $10 (neighbors, church members, grandparents that might want to buy a ticket for their grandchildren, yourself, anyone who could benefit from Christmas pictures at a very affordable price)
2. Keep ticket stub and turn in with the $10 to Karen at the next MOPS meeting (She's that beautiful/friendly mom who sits at the registration table aka as our Finance Coordinator!)
3. Have ticket purchasers call the number on their ticket to schedule a time for their portraits on November 7 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (Don't forget to tell them about our craft fair that will be going on at the same time and that they are welcome to browse. More info on our craft fair coming soon.)
4. If you have someone you would like to invite to buy a ticket but will not be able to sell them a ticket in person, have them call 928-310-8867 (me) to schedule a portrait appointment and they can purchase their ticket at the craft fair. However, we would like to sell most tickets beforehand.
5. Heidi will also be selling tickets at our meeting on October 20th.
6. Scroll down for more samplings of Heidi's work from last year! (Anybody recognize their own kids?)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Our first Meeting of the Year!

Our first meeting of the Year is this Tuesday!
September 15th
Check in for you and your kiddos starts at 8:50
Meeting promptly starts at 9:00-11:30

We can't wait to see the Moms we've missed over the summer and new Moms that signed up at registration. Welcome! Come join us for food and fellowship. It's not to late to invite a friend.

For those of you that are new, and have any questions at the meeting come find a steering team member. We will be wearing bright pink shirts with HUGE planets on the front. We will be happy to show you around or answer any questions!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Introducing this years MOPS theme!

Ladies, mark your calendars for registration Tuesday, August 25th!

September 15th @9:00 is our first meeting!
Get ready for an exciting year at MOPS. The steering team is working very hard to provide a fun filled, enriching year!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Family Barbeque Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our family summer barbeque. This is a family barbeque, so bring your husbands!

Tomorrow August 1st
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
@Mary Link's house (if you don't know where she lives, leave a comment on this post and I will contact you)
Meat will be provided
Bring a side dish
Brings swimsuits for the kiddos

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pictures from our fun trip to the Wildlife Zoo.

This past Tuesday, one of our summer outings was the Wildlife Zoo and Rescue in Edgewood, NM.

It was in the middle of nowhere, but a lot of fun.

They had a black bear, an albino raccoon, elk, and other numerous animals I don't feel like naming right now.

We had a tour guide.  His name was Logan or Luke, I can't remember, but he was very informative and very patient with a bunch of moms with tons of little kids.

I'm pretty sure the kids spent most of their time on this thingy.  They loved it. 

After our sack lunch we individually brought, we got to take a ride on the "hay ride".

Thanks to everyone who came, it was good to see you and a total blast.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Join us tomorrow!

7/7 Wildlife West Nature Park - 
87 North Frontage Road
Edgewood, NM 87015
Super cool! Visit the Website!
Special Group Rate: $3.00 per child includes Hay Ride!
10:00 *Bring a sack lunch, hats and plenty of sunblock!

(Call Michele at 928-310-8867 if you are coming, so we can keep an eye out for you or if you want to caravan.)

Our next event coming up is:
7/21 Picnic in the Park (Arroyo Del Oso Park)
Located @ Wyoming/Spain
Has 6 shade structures & portable potties :)
11:00 Bring a blanket and a sack lunch!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pictures from the Father's day craft.

I don't know about you ladies, but sometimes it's just nice to sit around and talk and let the kids play.  I had a super fun time at the Father's Day craft at Mary's house.

I'm pretty sure the kids had a good time.

One of my favorite things about MOPS, is we can just be ourselves.  And our kids, too.  We don't even care if your kids have clothes!  I am especially fond of half naked babies!

Thanks E for letting us borrow your pool!  And all your toys.

Chillaxin' and Craftin'

Don't forget to meet us at our next MOPS summer event!
7/7 Wildlife West Nature Park
RSVP here or to Heather or Mary ASAP!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Change of Summer Events!!!

There will be no craft meeting on June the 9th (this coming Tuesday)  at Mary's house.  It has been rescheduled  to June 16th.   

June 16th- Father's Day craft @ Mary Link's house.  (If you need directions to this event, please e-mail me @

June 23rd- Hoots

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer activities

MOPS @ Grace Summer Activities Schedule

6/9 - "Mommy and Me" Father's Day Craft at Mary Link's House
10:00 - Bring a simple snack to share!
6/23 - Hoots "The Ultimate Party Zone"
10:00 - 12:00 Open Play (all ages) 
Special MOPS rate $5.50/child
3501 Vista Alameda NE
*** Reminder*** Please RSVP by 6/23 with Mary Link or Heather Westbrook about The July 7th Wild Life West Nature Park trip!!!
7/7 Wildlife West Nature Park - (Please RSVP by 6/23)
87 North Frontage Road
Edgewood, NM 87015
Super cool! Visit the Website!
Special Group Rate: $3.00 per child includes Hay Ride!
10:00 *Bring a sack lunch, hats and plenty of sunblock!
7/21 Picnic in the Park (Arroyo Del Oso Park)
Located @ Wyoming/Spain
Has 6 shade structures & portable potties :)
11:00 Bring a blanket and a sack lunch!
8/1 Saturday; Family Potluck
(Location and time TBA)
8/4 - Manzano Mesa Spray Park
11:00 Bring a sack lunch, water shoes, towels and lots of sunblock!
501 Elizabeth St. NE
Admission:  Parent/Guardian must have a current $13.00 Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center membership.
Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult over the age of 18 at all times. A 50 cent daily donation is requested for children age 3 and over.
Children under 3 are free.
8/18 MOPS Registration!
@ Grace Church
*Bring some new friends with you to register for the new MOPS @ Grace season. Enjoy some good food & fellowship before the new season begins :)


MOPS @ Grace Church's FIRST meeting of the 2009-2010 season! STAY TUNED :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey Moms! Isotopes Deal!

Bring TWO (2) 32 oz. labels of any POWERADE beverage to the Isotopes Park Box Office and receive ONE (1) free Reserved Level ticket. Seating is based on availability. Offer is not valid on the following 2009 restricted home dates: April 9, May 23, May 24, July 2, July 3, exhibition or playoff games. Offer is only valid at the Isotopes Park Box Office. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our very own Mops at Grace Church Blog!

Hi ladies!  This is our very first blog post.  The purpose of this blog is to promote our MOPS at Grace Church group, and be a place where our group can get up-dates.  This site is going to be changing as I add more content.  I hope to put our calander on here, promote any fundraisers, and possibly list any items you all have to sell.  You can leave a comment on any post and I will recieve it and pass it a long to the right person.  

For now I'm just going to post some pictures I took of our last MOPS meeting of the year.  You gals are such a blast!
You ladies made some awesome food.  I ate way to much and I am still full!