MOPS @ Grace Summer Activities Schedule
6/9 - "Mommy and Me" Father's Day Craft at Mary Link's House
10:00 - Bring a simple snack to share!
6/23 - Hoots "The Ultimate Party Zone"
10:00 - 12:00 Open Play (all ages)
Special MOPS rate $5.50/child
3501 Vista Alameda NE
*** Reminder*** Please RSVP by 6/23 with Mary Link or Heather Westbrook about The July 7th Wild Life West Nature Park trip!!!
7/7 Wildlife West Nature Park - (Please RSVP by 6/23)
87 North Frontage Road
Edgewood, NM 87015
Edgewood, NM 87015
Super cool! Visit the Website!
Special Group Rate: $3.00 per child includes Hay Ride!
10:00 *Bring a sack lunch, hats and plenty of sunblock!
7/21 Picnic in the Park (Arroyo Del Oso Park)
Located @ Wyoming/Spain
Has 6 shade structures & portable potties :)
11:00 Bring a blanket and a sack lunch!
8/1 Saturday; Family Potluck
(Location and time TBA)
8/4 - Manzano Mesa Spray Park
11:00 Bring a sack lunch, water shoes, towels and lots of sunblock!
501 Elizabeth St. NE
Admission: Parent/Guardian must have a current $13.00 Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center membership.
Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult over the age of 18 at all times. A 50 cent daily donation is requested for children age 3 and over.
Children under 3 are free.
8/18 MOPS Registration!
@ Grace Church
*Bring some new friends with you to register for the new MOPS @ Grace season. Enjoy some good food & fellowship before the new season begins :)
MOPS @ Grace Church's FIRST meeting of the 2009-2010 season! STAY TUNED :)
Hi! Can moms who aren't a part of MOPS come along to these activities with me? I think it would be good publicity. I have a few moms in mind who I've invited to our regular mtgs. but they've never made it. Maybe these events would be a nice intro. for them?
I think that's an awesome idea, Leanne :)