Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scriptures from Libby and Megan's Yummy Pumpkin recipe!

I don't know about you ladies, but Libby's talk was just what I needed this week. Thank you Libby for sharing with us. I asked Libby to email me the scriptures that coincided with her talk on Tuesday. Have you done what she challenged us to do? To research a mom of the bible? Here are some scriptures to get you started.

Eve-Genesis 2-4

Hannah- 1 Samuel 1-2

Mary- Her story is told throughout the 4 gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Luke 2 is the most well know account.

Jochobed- Exodus 2:1-10

Sarah- Genesis 11-25

Pumpkin Pie Cake Recipe

All the food this week was awesome! I know it adds extra stress in the morning to bring food, but it's one of my favorite part of MOPS. So thank you for all your hard work bringing food. I asked Megan if she would share her recipe for the Pumpkin Cake she brought on Tuesday. Here it is:

Pumpkin Pie Cake : )

1 large can pumpkin pie mix (already has the spices added)
1 5 oz.can of evaporated milk
2 large eggs
1 box of yellow cake mix
1 stick of real butter
pecans or walnuts optional
(If you use just plain pumpkin in a can there are some spices and different instructions on the can)

Follow the instructions on the can of pumpkin mix, adding the eggs and evap. milk as if making a pumpkin pie. Spread the mixture into the bottom of a 13x9 in. baking dish. Crumble the dry cake mix powder on top of the pumpkin mixture. Smooth. Sprinkle pecans or walnuts on top if desired. Dot the desert with 1 whole stick of butter (cubed) and bake at 350 until browned and crusty on top. Hope you all enjoy! : ) Megan

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Samplings from Heidi for Fairytale Memories

Here's some samplings of the Christmas cards you can order from Heidi!

Fairytale Memories by Heidi Ann Photography

I would like to introduce you to Heidi Belville. Many of you returning members know and love Heidi already, but some of our new moms may not. Heidi was one of the first people to welcome me to MOPS when I first showed up. She showed me where to drop of my kids, where to go, and was so very real and friendly. What I love most about Heidi Belville, is that she is always up for new adventures, crazy fun, normal, cool and a real mom all at the same time. She is also a very talented photographer. Heidi is a wife and mother to two adorable children.

For four years now, Heidi has been offering her photography skills as a fundraiser to benefit MOPS. Here is a link to her website Go visit her site, check out her awesome work, and give her some love!

Here's the skinny on the Fundraiser:
1. Heidi will be taking photos from 9-3 on November 7th at our Holly Days Craft Fair.
2. Tickets are $10. That is the ticket purchasers sitting fee and they also receive one 8x10. (That whole ten dollars in turn goes directly to MOPS!)
3. Heidi then sends and email and ticket purchasers have a chance to view their photos and order more prints. Heidi also offers Christmas cards and they will be delivered in time for Christmas.
4. For those of you that had pictures taken last year, Heidi would like you to know that she has a new background this year!

Here's what we need you to do:

1. Sell tickets for $10 (neighbors, church members, grandparents that might want to buy a ticket for their grandchildren, yourself, anyone who could benefit from Christmas pictures at a very affordable price)
2. Keep ticket stub and turn in with the $10 to Karen at the next MOPS meeting (She's that beautiful/friendly mom who sits at the registration table aka as our Finance Coordinator!)
3. Have ticket purchasers call the number on their ticket to schedule a time for their portraits on November 7 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (Don't forget to tell them about our craft fair that will be going on at the same time and that they are welcome to browse. More info on our craft fair coming soon.)
4. If you have someone you would like to invite to buy a ticket but will not be able to sell them a ticket in person, have them call 928-310-8867 (me) to schedule a portrait appointment and they can purchase their ticket at the craft fair. However, we would like to sell most tickets beforehand.
5. Heidi will also be selling tickets at our meeting on October 20th.
6. Scroll down for more samplings of Heidi's work from last year! (Anybody recognize their own kids?)